Sunday, October 27, 2013


Oh for the love of all..I was making a craft project with Maren and I super glued my fingers together.
If someone kidnaps ME, murders me  and throws me in the river, they will never figure out who I am because I don't have fingerprints anymore.......sigh............
Yes, this is how I think.
I am peering out the back window waiting for the sheriff to show up because my nutball teenage neighbor has been target practicing with a BOW and ARROW for the past two days in the front of his house. Finally Will and I called to inquire as to whether this might NOT BE ILLEGAL in a suburban neighborhood????????????????????????
Why yes, it is illegal.
We will be right out to have a talk with the young man..
For eff's sake.
I mean really.
Were we the FIRST people in the neighborhood to have a concern?
The bb gun wasn't enough?
I am so pissed at people's thinking sometimes.
I'm sorry but I am.
This is pretty much why I need to spend most of my time in a bubble ..In a very small safe bubble, one where I interact with as few people as possible.
Because I feel like as soon as I step out of my bubble I am gobsmacked with stupidity.
Just gobsmacked.
Look, I don't even PRETEND to have all the answers.
I'm the one who super glued my fingers together this morning and is right now letting my third child play with an empty McDonalds Happy Meal bucket while he rolls himself back and forth under the TV stand. He's NOT I am not worried.
Clearly, I am NO genius.
I am JUST trying to get by in this world right now.
I am JUST trying to survive.
But if ANYONE thinks it's ok to give the SAME boy a bow and arrow who was wielding a bb gun like an AK47..................???????!!!!!!!!! appears that the sheriff has arrived..and the bow and arrows have been removed.
Wow.  Amazing.  Sigh.....

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