Sunday, June 02, 2013

Baby Come Back..

It must be a cold day in hell because right now if Ernesto rang the door bell, I would leap into his arms, offer him vodka, and beg him to move back in.
I shit you not.
Over the past two days, Will and I have sat in our beautifully manicured backyard (thanks to Will, not me) and watched every walk of life tromp through Ernesto's "up for bid" HUD home.........
Did you just read what I wrote? Did you?
Am I in the White Trash Twilight Zone?
Do you hear the banjos playing?
Do I sound like a shit?
I don't care.
I don't work my ass off all week so I can come home and live in a lovely little house, that we take extremely GOOD care of, so that we can look out a house that has completely gone to hell...
Did I mention the caution tape around the big gaping hole where his pool used to be?
I mentioned that didn't I?
Did I mention that one of the families looking at his house yesterday seemed to have more than ONE husband attached to the wife?
I think there might have been THREE grown men, ONE grown woman and about 17 small children..Does that seem like a harem in REVERSE?
I am just not okay with that.
You can call me a shit. Go ahead. You already did, but I am NOT that open-minded. I am just not.
So it remains to be seen what happens...HUD home to the HIGHEST bidder!
OH that is going to sell for a SUPER HIGH price I am sure!!
But don't be surprised if Melissa is packing up the Vulva and moving to parts unknown because if you think I am going to sit and watch one poor woman do the work for 3 HUSBANDS, you are out of your damn mind!!!

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