Sunday, April 21, 2013

Can You Get Me...?

Where is all my underwear?
How is it possible that a woman of 40 years old can only have three pairs of underwear?!
My daughter has more underwear than I do, and she isn't even potty trained yet.
Both Maren and Kieran are sleeping.
Will took Keegan with him to run errands.
I got to try on pants that don't fit me yet, clean the kitchen, AND take a shower.
I am in heaven.
If I had some clean underwear and a glass of wine.
Now THAT would be heaven.
I normally do not ask Will to get things for me at Target. I don't think husbands should have to do that.
I have NEVER made him "pick me up some Tampons"..ugh. In my opinion, women just ask that to see if the guy really will... I think about our old neighbors back in "America's Best Kept Secret"..
Remember that couple?
She always drove?
I bet she made him get her Tampons too...marriages like that will never last. I'm just telling ya.
Anyway, I DID ask Will to get me some hair clips. He said he would do it. I DID not pressure him into it..I am really excited about this for some reason. (Maybe I understand a LEEETTLE bit why wives ask..hmmm...)
He is going to have to stand in the women's hair section and PICK OUT THE CLIPS!!
I would give anything to see the surveillance camera on this!!!
Except it's just dawned on me that Keegan is with him, so I bet you anything, he'll send the son in to do it..
"Just pick out what MOMMY might like!!!!"
I know he'll yell it really loud, too, to throw off any suspicion.
I don't think it really counts if you have back up.

Keegan's birthday party was yesterday: the Twister party.
It kind of turned into a "let's play in the basement, oh we are having Batman plates and cups, well, maybe this is sort of JUST a PARTY-not a real THEMED party" party.
But it was GREAT!
And the kids had a blast. 
Favorite part:  Will's pinata: The Upside Down Tornado. 
I think that would be an inverted tornado, but what five or six year old knows what inverted means, anyway?
 Kieran was an absolute perfect baby for his Nanny.
(My girlfriend Kelly.) I'm not dumb. I know when to ask for help. 
And the most important part was that Keegan LOVED it.

So no word on the hair clips. This could be a good sign.  OR he could end up playing the "clueless husband" card.  "They were all out."  "I couldn't find them."  "Hair clips? OHHH. I thought you said Doritos."
Stay tuned...

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