Well, the cat was locked in the guest bedroom for four days and pee-peed on the bed..I had food poisoning last night and threw up for two hours and I am now my worst nightmare because there is a matress airing on our deck(not from my throw up..from the cat, thanks)..and it doesn't get anymore white trash than that...oh and I have hemorrhoids..I am white trash and 80..great..
so I hope YOUR Christmas weekend was fabulous..
I am a good pet owner, but somehow Sylvester slipped into the bedroom before we shut the door..Will is not sure how he survived that many nights without food and water: "Most cats would be dead, wouldn't they?" I ignored the wistfulness in his tone and decided he was just amazed.
In any case the cat is out; he keeps following me around the house, probably because he thinks if he doesn't I will lock him away and vanish..
I am never eating pizza again after being sick on it last night..and I am sure Will isn't either.
And lots of pregnant women have my condition so I am not going to type that horrible H-word again because it is embarrassing enough when your fiance is roaming the aisles of Wal-Mart looking for Preparation H.
God, my life is so different.
I am 20 weeks and we find out what we are having TOMORROW! I go back and forth, but really that's all a person can do, right? I mean there ARE only two choices..so I think I will just wait and see..As long as we're healthy..it really doesn't matter..(but I still think it's a girl)
Our Christmas was really great..we just had to drive a lot..but we are used to the car together and he only bugged me once and I only bugged him 47 times.
Grandpa Woody got a bun-warmer for making grilled cheese so you can imagine the 30 minutes of jokes about that...
Will got some ultra-short shorts..that he paraded around his mom's house..imitating his Uncle who apparently still finds these fashionable..(he got regular presents too)and I got lots of baby things and candles and it was just great to be in Wisconsin, my second home.
We drove up north to my parents and my favorite part was my dental student brother giving his Christmas gift of an electric toothbrush to my step-brother's wife. He was so proud: "Two speeds!" So I guess I know what I am getting next year if he draws my name..Maybe I will rig the drawing..I really want one of those toothbrushes.
Will loved his basketball tickets to the Badger's game..so that was a success! The game is even on Valentine's Day! See..unselfish, unselfish!!! But it will be fun (for him, oh let's just be honest!) and just seeing his reaction was the best part!
Yesterday while we unpacked for four hours and he worked on the "cat fiasco" we didn't even get that upset...last night when I threw up, I just took it in stride. Even my H-'s are just part of the deal.
At first I was thinking we might be cursed. Maybe someone took a voodoo doll likeness of us and is having one heck of a time..but I like what Will said better: "Maybe this is just getting us ready for parenthood."
I think he's right. I mean, if we can come home to bugs, or locked-up cats, or WHATEVER..and just DEAL with it..then maybe it's a lesson in not freaking out and just handling the bumps..I don't want my child thinking I flip out everytime something happens..that's just not fun..so thanks God for the practice, because that's what this must be.
But I am not going to lie-I could do without the hemorhoids..really.
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