Our doctor is not very sharp. I will admit this freely. I DO happen to think, though, that he is just sort of the absent-minded type..who has SO MANY important doctor-ish things on his mind, that he can't be bothered with things like..remembering Will and I are sitting in an examination room waiting for my pre-natal vitamins and he just walked by us..looked in..kept walking..and then turned around and came back in when he recognized us..
Really I am sure he was just deep in thought.
Will was not impressed. Again.
We have discussed several times how Will will (it bugs me when I have to write Will will..ugh..but I don't know how else to say it..ANYWAY..) We have discussed several times how Will is (ha!) going to handle the delivery room. "I don't have much experience. I mean the last time I was in a situation like that, I was being born!"
Great. I am sure he remembers that day clearly and I have nothing to worry about such as: his fainting, throwing up..or running Scooby-Do-ish through the wall...we are going to be Jussst Fiiine...
I have several new remedies for the "H" problem: metamucil, little wipes, something called Amusol..(Ugh..gross name) so if you are in the same boat as me (which of course you aren't, I am sure) then those are some great things to try.
We were supposed to go to a concert tonight at the Fine Line..I am not going to lie..I don't think I can make it past 10:00..and the show starts at 9:00..there was a time when 9:00 was early and I had the whole evening ahead of me..now my evening is ending about that time..I blame this entirely on being pregnant and not at all on being 34..hahaha..
If you will notice, I have been puttering along here just writing about nothing because I have tried to keep you in suspense about the sex of our baby..
Today was the ultrasound..and Will filmed it with our new digital video camera..I was a little embarrassed and the ultrasound guy thought we wanted to film him, but once we got everything clear..namely, he wouldn't appear in our homemade video, everything was fine.
Do NOT believe the Chinese Astrologists or any other gimmicky test..DO believe your ultrasound guy when he tells you that your baby has AND I QUOTE: "A Package"..yes, our baby is an Irish boy! (Well, half German and French too.)
So I was wrong and so were the Chinese..but there was a little teeny bit of me that wondered if maybe just maybe it was a boy..
"You had no clue."
Thanks Will, you're right. I didn't.
But the proud Papa is extremely excited and even though we both just wanted healthy..I KNOW he is very excited to have a basketball player..
"Or a male cheerleader Will! Maybe he will like theater! We can't discourage him in anything he wants to do."
He will be discouraged in some areas..
(Oh I am just kidding..relax out there, you male cheerleaders majoring in Theater!)
So now we know our little package HAS a package and I can start buying blue..and little teeny Michael Jordan shoes..and all of that stuff..
but he's still going to wear the Pooh outfits..I want our son to be sensitive!!
Just like his father.
In the pictures, my stomach looks HUGE (but I had just eaten) and I am in my pajamas after a bath, so don't judge on beauty at this moment, please.
Will is holding pictures of the ultrasound and our first Nike outfit, purchased by his brother Zach, who claims he knew it was a boy all along..How did he know this? Some people are just gifted I guess..anyway, I should try to spruce up before these pictures but I wanted to get this published..Today I look quite nice, actually..really..
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