"Honey, you really need to keep up on your blog more."
Thanks Will...I KNOW!
So this will be kind of a re-cap..of the last few weeks..everything in a nutshell..
1. I am fatter.
2. Our baby kicked me yesterday and I saw my stomach move. It reminded me of that movie, Alien, with Sigourney Weaver.
3. I am fatter and my son kicks me. This isn't fair. But we think we can make him into a place kicker.
"They make millions and they don't get hurt."
4. I had a sip of champagne on New Year's Eve. I took a picture of it. I had been waiting four months for that sip..now I should be fine until May...probably.
5. I lost my iPod a few weeks ago at the gym. I had EVERYONE looking for it.
Today we went to the gym and I pulled out of my jacket pocket...my IPod..hmmm...didn't check that jacket. So forgetfulness is NOT getting better.
6. Last weekend Will and I went to Baby's R' Us..what a horrible horrible store..I cried all the way home. Strollers..not three to choose from..not five...but 100 DIFFERENT strollers!!! And EVERY POSSIBLE warmer, wiper, bopper, diddly-do that one could EVER imagine..God..it was horrible..I just want SIMPLE..how can a baby need that much stuff?
My friend Rachel made a good point: "Our parents didn't have all that stuff..and we turned out great." This is true..for the most part..maybe I am scarred because I didn't have a wiper warmer..I don't know..I guess I can work it out in therapy.
Will is STILL being the most supportive Dad-to-be..he says he would like me to be pregnant all the time because he thinks I look beautiful..After he woke up from me knocking him out with the frying pan...I thanked him.
I do think it's better that he thinks I look great and I don't think so...it would be really HORRIBLE if it was the other way around. "Melissa Ann, shouldn't you mix in a salad?" Oh ugh..that would be TERRIBLE.
I stopped numbering. See? I can't remember anything.
Last week I demanded that my seventh graders turn in an assignment. "NOW..turn it in NOW..FIND IT."
It suddenly dawned on me..I had already collected the assignment.
"We tried to tell you," ONE brave student whispered.
They are getting used to their dazed and confused teacher...I think...
So tomorrow we are 23 weeks along. This is really something..it is definitely moving along A LOT faster..and once in a while I get just a small spurt of anxiety..but for the most part..I am just really really excited and happy.
I promise I will try to keep up better with my blog..(oh like anyone cares, really!) but sometimes I am just TIRED..and right now I am trying to get in as much sleep as possible..because pretty soon..I don't think it's going to be quite so easy..
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