"Everyday I see you, your stomach gets bigger, Ms. Frederick"
Thank you..thank you, student. This is a great thing to notice.
"Yes, well I suppose that's what's supposed to happen."
Oh how do you come up with a snappy comeback for that one??!!
I am 18 weeks today..And I am officially "pregnant-looking" and I got lost on the way home from school today. Apparently as my stomach grows bigger, my brain grows smaller..I managed to get turned back around the right way..but it was touch and go there for a little while..I am kind of dumb right now..
I bought my first baby outfits yesterday..I couldn't stand it anymore! They are yellow, and have Winnie-the-Pooh on them and if we have a boy, he will probably be mortified that I dressed him in Pooh: "MOM! Yellow? God! And Pooh? He's just a wimpy bear that gets fat on honey!" I can just hear him.
I included a few pictures of Thanksgiving because it was our first one together and we had it at our house..There were only four of us: mom, step-dad, Will and I...BUT we had enough turkey for 30..Well, I am sorry..I didn't realize that you were only supposed to buy a turkey with one pound of left-overs per person..that would have been a four-pound turkey! That's ridiculous! It would have been an infant turkey!!
Needless to say, we had a lot of left-overs..
Christmas is around the corner..and Will drinks egg nog..Have you had this? It is THICK and CLINGY..and I want to gag when I smell it..but he LOVES it..and really he should be allowed SOME fun, shouldn't he? It is interesting the things you find out about someone that you never knew..You like THAT? etc. etc..
I actually feel pretty good and when I am not obsessing about my weight gain..I am liking the pregnant thing..there are even little flutters in my tummy, so I KNOW someone is down there poking around..this is a good sign..except that most of the flutters come at night when I want to sleep so obviously there are two people who are NOT on the same sleeping schedule..
I can see a battle of wills ahead of me.."No, no baby..you should be sleeping now..Mommy is tired.." Oh yes, I am SURE that will work..
Will is STILL great..I mean, I don't mean I thought he was just going to turn awful, but with some men..they have two sides to them..Will has one enormously fantastic loving side and that's IT. Really he's the greatest..
I will write more soon..but my brain can't seem to get anymore out right now..
It's not my fault..it's my stomach's..
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