This past weekend we went home to Wisconsin for Will's Grandpa's 90th birthday party. It is sad when a 90 year-old man outlasts me at a party..I fell asleep in the corner and Woody was still dancing away. This says something about being pregnant..I hope..
On the way home, we took a new route. It was a two hour detour, but it was full of things I had never seen before. Unfortunately my camera was in the trunk. In a matter of 20 minutes we saw a dog gnawing on some rib bones.. a cow stampede in the middle of the road, and two Amish teenagers, obviously on their way to rendevous with each other in secret..(or so I decided to make it more interesting) We also saw tame deer in the state park, and trumpeter swans..Okay..that doesn't sound that exciting, but I was keenly interested in how that dog got a hold of a rack of ribs...Only in Wisconsin.
We visited the Party Barn this weekend and I am happy to say it's perfect. The only thing that is not perfect is the old church across the road with a sign out front that reads: Meth. Church. My father will be all over that one when he sees it.."Why don't you go on over to the Meth. church and get married there! Ahahahaha!" Yes, the jokes will be never-ending once people see that sign.
I included a picture of my stomach..in the picture, my stomach doesn't look as big as it feels and I SWEAR to you..it is bigger today than it was last night when we took the picture. I am getting used to not "sucking it in" anymore. And I felt like puking this morning. Do not even tell me that I am going to acquire morning sickness NOW in my second trimester when everyone else gets over it..BUT that would be my luck...
I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday and we talked about Epidurals..so it is good that my doctor understands that I am NOT into natural childbirth and bearing the pain..No THANK YOU..
I definitely have a lot more energy and I am running, so hopefully the baby is okay with the treadmill..I try not to jostle her too much..
Apparently Will told his sister that he wakes up everyday and I look more beautiful.
"That is the corniest thing you have ever said," she replied. I am just glad he feels this way and doesn't raise an eyebrow when I walk around with my pants unbuttoned because it feels better.
Today he started his new job with a lengthy commute..If I wasn't pregnant, I would be drinking a lot of wine waiting for him to get home..As it is..I have to find other things to do like blogging and watching tv. I am not sure what to do with myself now that Dancing with the Stars if over with, but I am sure something equally as riveting will start soon..hahahahaha.
All in all, things are moving along well and with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming, I can actually see how this whole being pregnant thing can move along rather quickly. Which is going to make us parents pretty fast. I think we will be like the Fockers in Meet the Fockers..very hip, cool and understanding. I say this now. I will change my mind the minute she wants to stay out late..
More in a few days,
The Pregnant Pumpkin
(this is what Will calls me..I am sure he means it lovingly, right?)
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