I am learning about people being on the same page...
My girlfriend Rachel and I had lunch the other day. She just had a baby Owen.."I started a blog," she announced.
"Me too!" I chirped.
Of course hers is much more noteworthy and important. SHE HAD A BABY!!! But apparently we used the same colors for our Blog...we both have STYLE! The point is..we both had changes, and we both decided to write about it, and even though we haven't seen each other for awhile..we are on the same page about some things, and that feels good. I needed that.
I am not on the same page with nature right now.
There is a bird in our back yard that begins making this NOISE at 5:30 in the morning and she doesn't STOP..
"Unghh? What?"
"That bird! She's doing it again!"
"Wha-? What bird?"
"That horrible terrible mean bird that won't take a breath! She just chirps and chirps and chirps!"
"Oh, I hear her. Just a minute" Long pause as Will makes his way to the window. "HEY! HEY! STOP IT! HEY!"
Dead silence. I am not kidding you.
"You are my hero, Will."
There is also a grasshopper who is eating my flowers. We had a moment outside today. I was watering and he was munching.
"NO! NO! Get away! My petunias! You sh*thead! Get away!" I am sorry to call a grasshopper a sh*thead, but you should see the size of him. He has a brain. He knows what I am saying to him, and he completely knows that he is eating my beloved petunias that I raised from babies. Remember the movie James and the Giant Peach? Well that grasshopper was SMART! I swear this is the same grasshopper! Anyway I shooed and he jumped away and then he jumped back and I shooed and oh really it was ridiculous..and went on far too long. I will be going out to the front momentarily to see if he is back..I am sure he is with a big fat grin on his face. "Melissa, these are delightful petunias. Thank you ever so much for them." Of course he has a British accent. Jack ass.
Will and I have also not been completely on the same page lately. I am sure this comes from finally living together. When people do the weekend romance, it is easy to be on the same page. You have approximately 48 hours together so everything is splendid and perfect. How can it not be? There isn't a whole lot of time to mess it up. Of course, I am capable of it, believe me, but I tried very hard not to.
Now that we are together all the time, there is more time to talk. Sometimes what we talk about puts us on separate pages. Namely I am on page 45 and Will is on page 32. I cannot help this about myself. I am a fast reader. I always have been. I don't mean to not enjoy the here and now..it's just that I kind of always want to get to the then and there. I don't think this makes me terrible. I want to be positive about myself so I don't get all hang doggy in the middle of the afternoon, so I think I will just say that it makes me a planner. Well, I cannot plan everything out. And I certainly cannot plan out an independent 30 year old Wisonsinite man's life. It isn't happening. So once again. I need to just relax. Oh phooey.
On a good note, he bought me an adaptor for the hose. This is about the most unromantic present I have ever received in my entire life. AN ADAPTOR FOR THE HOSE..this is WONDERFUL!! A man would not be buying this if he was just going to fly the coop..or would he? Oh shut up Melissa!
Tomorrow we go to our first baseball game together. I wonder if Will has figured out that I have Attention Deficit Disorder and cannot sit through a whole ANYTHING without having to wiggle a lot.
Of course he has:"Um, honey, I was going to get the other movie, but I noticed it was over two hours long, and um, well it's hard for you to sit still."
"Will, I don't know what you're talking about. I can sit still...do you need anything from the kitchen? Maybe I'll just run upstairs and check on the laundry..how about a walk? Should we take a walk?"
32 or 45...at least we're reading the same book.
P.s. Here are the petunias before that demon got to them..
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