I say "Oh phooey"..a lot..I got this from my step-mom and dad..they say it to their dogs..they use it instead of "No" Apparently "No" is too common in our language, so when you train a dog, you should pick another word to use that means the same as "No". I am sure this isn't exactly the reasoning behind it, but it's what I remember from what my step-mom told me and she is wickedly brilliant about that kind of thing. She has a master's in counseling but really I believe she should work for the CIA..she has this way of just KNOWING things.."I think I'll have white wine with dinner."
"Melissa what you are really saying is that you are ready to find that perfect man and your inner child misses your father, and it probably is a result of your parent's divorce when you were so young."
"But, I just wanted to have white wine.."
"Melissa, accept this, own it and agree."
She really is amazing.
Anyway, back to phooey. So I have developed this habit of saying Oh Phooey..a lot. This weekend was a bit of an "Oh Phooey"
Remember I went into it with the.."I am going to relax attitude."
Oh phooey.
It's weddings. I will admit it. I don't think they are my favorite thing. And this makes me a very very bad person, I am sure.
Everyone always says: "Oh I just love weddings!"
"Yes," I say in agreement, nodding my head vigorously.."Yes, weddings they are WONDERFUL."
But the truth is. I don't think so. Not so much. I mean parts of them are, and certain weddings I have been to have been great. I have loved a couple of the outdoor weddings I have been to recently. Those were pretty good. But I don't like every wedding. I am sorry. And my mood is affected by this. It can be something as simple as no wine. Or a bad DJ..or the fact that a three-year-old keeps catching the bride's bouquet and just ONCE in my thirties I would like to catch the damn bouquet!!!!!!
What does a three-year-old need with it??? What is she hoping for at that age? Give me a break!
When it comes to the bouquet I am not superstitious enough to believe that just because I haven't caught one yet that it means I am not going to get married. "Do you see that old woman wandering around the streets?"
"Yes, very sad. You know she never caught a wedding bouquet and her boyfriend Will left her. Very sad. Very sad."
Oh PLEASE!!?? But still there is this teeny part of me that does think about that...What if?
Oh phooey.
So you can see that maybe relaxing is a little hard for someone like me with these thoughts..
Anyway, here is a picture of Will and I and putting pictures on the internet scares me because who knows what someone might do with them, but really...what is someone going to do with them? If you are sick enough to take the time to glue our faces to naked bodies, I mean if you have NOTHING better to do with YOUR TIME..then whatever..
but please don't, that's gross.
We are drinking Potosi Light..who knew that every town in Wisconsin has it's own beer, but they do! I love Wisconsin.
Also, you will notice that Will looks amazing in his tuxedo..very dapper.
No one else had my dress, this was also a bonus. There is nothing WORSE than being "double-dressed" ugh..
Then the glares and the stares happen and I am petite and usually the girl has the dress in a bigger size and it isn't bad, but I can't help that I am child-sized, and this makes some women mad..
Well, it isn't always fun being the size of a third grader either, so just shut-up!!
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend, and Will's family is wonderful to me. I am sure at times they wonder where I come from and then they remember: "Minnesota." And they think: "Oh phooey" but they seem to still love me anyway.
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