My favorite wine in the whole world is Vinho Verde. It comes from Portugal and I disovered it thanks to Christa the world's greatest bartender at Victoria Amore, my favorite hang out in Uptown. Go there. It's on the corner of Irving and Lake. I have lots of good things to say about it and it's even really how I met Will but more about that later..anyway, Vinho Verde really means green wine and it IS GREEN!! It is a little bit dry and it comes out bubbly and the Portugese drink it by the gallons because it has less alchohol in it and they can drink it when it's really really hot which I guess it is in Portugal..shut up Geography people..leave me alone. When I was driving home from the doctor it was 106 degrees. Hello Vinho Verde. Ahhhhh...
Okay..WE HAVE SOD..It only took 400 hundred phone calls to the builder and about 65 e-mails but they were here today and there is sod. On the hottest day of the year, they laid our sod. And there is no irrigation system yet. This is brilliant work. Brilliant. Please sense the sarcasm I am oozing.
Also, the doorknob to the garage door, you know the door that leads out to the garage, came off in my hand this morning, so we can only come in that door, not go out it. Things are going to hell around here. I wonder if everything is just Elmer-glued together and now that we have been here a month things are just going to start falling apart around us? Remember that movie The Money Pit with Tom Hanks? If I fall through the floor and am stuck for 12 hours while Will is at work, I am moving.
I also read today that because it is so hot people are not supposed to use their appliances.
"Good afternoon, this is Will."
"Um, okay so I am not going to call you seventy-two times, but I read this article while I was at the doctor, and we aren't supposed to use any of our appliances due to the heat."
"So really I shouldn't use the stove, you know, so I shouldn't cook tonight, really."
"So maybe we should GO OUT to eat."
(Any chance I can get. Any chance I can get.)
"Why don't you pick up some chicken and I will grill?"
Dammit. He is too smart for me. Dammit!!
"Oh. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. You are so smart. Good idea."
So we're grilling and I have decided not to wash my hair so I will have hat hair when he gets home. Let's see how he likes that!
Oh I will wash it. Who am I kidding? We have soft water....
Tomorrow I will talk about the doctor, but today, it's freaking me out a little. I think maybe my doctor is reading my blog. I am paranoid.
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