Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Look I don't have the time to backtrack through everything that has happened since February. But we rented our place in Shitsville, moved to the twin city metro area (remember I have a crazy ex-boyfriend out there somewhere who may still be looking for me..and I am not flattering myself by being discreet) and switched daycares..which was traumatic..I mean it was like breaking up with someone that you don't want to break up with because you are going away to college..IT WAS HORRIBLE for me..I cried for days.
Anyway, Will and I are like new people. Because we don't drive 3000 miles a week.
BUT we have daycare issues.
Look when I decided to go searching for Will I had SERIOUS HIGH STANDARDS: no kids or issues with kids, no drug issues (that seems weird but you would be surprised if you knew the old Melissa..) no anger issues (again the old Melissa...) no job issues, no ex issues, no issues PERIOD...
I want the same from my daycare lady.
Emmy our old daycare lady had very little "issues"..she was a teency bit on the hypochondriac-ish side.."Keegan coughed once today, I think he has rubella." BUT I will take that..I will take that!!!!
Because our new daycare lady has a big issue. She has ZERO discipline with her own two children. COME ON! "Get down, no, get down. That isn't nice. Mommy said no. That isn't nice. I said no. I am talking. Get down. I said no." CONSTANTLY.
The nicest woman on the planet but her kids RUN her over. This is not what I want my one year old to witness because I am fairly certain he is SMARTER than he lets on..even if he did eat a handful of cat food today...soo..
new daycare here we come..QUICK.

On another note..Will got us new cell phones and he bought himself a PURSE to carry his.
"Look what I bought," as he proudly fastened his new cell phone onto his leather belt thingamajingy.
"That looks like a purse Will."
"Dammit, that's what I said to the sixteen-year old at Best Buy but she told me she didn't think it did."
"Well, she was trying to make a sale, and it looks like a purse on your hip. Take it back."
"I will. A-hole."
I am pretty sure he said a-hole under his breath but are you kidding me? A leather purse on his belt? COME ON! I love him too much for him to be carrying that ridiculous thing around.
He should have just kept the purse I bought him for his last birthday!!

Oh! Can't blog anymore.. prospective daycare woman on the phone talking to me...daycare women will talk all night. They don't talk to adults all day so they will talk to you forever. Look, again I am FINE with that as long as she doesn't have kid issues..I mean COME ON! You are in the daycare business! Pick a different issue to have!! But not anger..and probably not the drug issue either..really..daycare ladies shouldn't have any issues now that I think about it..oh God..Keegan should just stay home and watch himself..seriously..

1 comment:

old friend ... said...

It took me forever to register to respond to this ...

I don't know if this will show up .... but - I said ... "glad you guys are doing well ....i knew Melissa would be a grat mom - just never had the chance to say that ... wish you all the best ... "

Your old .... very old friend .....

-Shaun ... from ATL