I have decided there are certain things that people shouldn't say to pregnant women. Here are a few:
1. "How much weight have you gained? "
2. "How far along are you?" (Pregnant woman answers) "OH! You have a LONNGGG way to go."
3. "Just wait." Followed by a long sinister laugh.
Last night we stopped to see our friends on his birthday. There was a pregnant gal there. "How far along are you?" I asked attentively.
"19 weeks."
"OH! I remember those days!" I answered smugly.
Are you kidding me? Have I learned NOTHING?? I WAS that annoying person! I didn't talk to myself the rest of the time we were there.
I am 30 weeks tomorrow. To me, this is GREAT..MONUMENTAL..time is really moving.
Maybe I am naive. I realize already that pregnancy takes a looonnngg time. But I am feeling good that I only have, at the most, 10 weeks left! Doesn't that seem like just a drop in the bucket? Well it does to someone who hasn't had white wine since August. So just be quiet.
Will and I had two snow days together. We were like kids watching the school closings being posted.
It snowed a ton. I mean A LOT. I am now officially tired of winter. We did go for a walk today and Will pushed me into a snowbank. I couldn't get back up...oh THAT was funny, funny..let me tell you.
For one of us.
He really is my best friend, though. We have pretty much been together since Wednesday night with no breaks, and we are still laughing. This is a good sign for our life together. He's my favorite person to be stranded with. He's just my favorite person regardless. Having love like this...it's the greatest gift. I think that every day. And now I am crying because I cry at EVERYTHING, even dog food commercials. It has GOT to be hormones.
Posted is a picture of our cat. He spent some time in the snow this past weekend. Well, not very LONG, but you-know-who had to have something to do other than answer my fifteen million questions. Apparently I ask a lot of questions.
Is this true?
I also included a side shot of our son and me. And NO the camera is not turned because I don't fit the normal way anymore, I just can't get it to rotate, so shut up out there. I am not THAT huge.
"Yes, but how much weight.." Oh ugh.
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