Thursday, September 21, 2006


I have learned a lot about non-alcoholic beverages. Just ask me, and I can tell you exactly what to drink..that will NOT have any alcohol in it..(well, the birds are gone, I had to have some sort of new hobby while I am pregnant.) Some brands of NA beer smell like skunk in a bottle and taste like beer-flavored mineral water. Non-alcoholic wine is really just grape juice, so I don't know why they waste the bottle or the name..they should just call it grape juice and be done with it..

I have also learned that I can blame a lot of things on being pregnant and the baby.
"I smell skunk!"
"It's me, Will. I just burped. Actually your baby just burped."
"I just want to cry and I have NO reason to cry. It's the baby."
"My boobs are gynormous and my stomach is sticking out. This is not a good combination. It's the baby."
"I am hungry for deviled eggs, cookies, Chinese food and chicken wings. Can we have that for dinner? It must be the baby."
"I need a whole new wardrobe because my clothes don't fit anymore. It's the baby."
See? It's really a pretty good deal.

What is NOT a good deal are all the things I have to stay away from that were STAPLES in my life: caffeine, bleu cheese, nutra-sweet, sleeping on my back, Pinot Grigio, hot tubs..Okay maybe the last wasn't a staple, but I still liked them when I had the chance to sit in them!!! And the bleu cheese..but still..what if I wanted some?? Anyway, the list is endless. I am fairly certain this is part of the "secret information" that post-pregnant women don't want you to know: the "giving up" things. In exchange for this, you can still have sex AND not worry about getting pregnant... But really that's a big trade-off..sheesh.
And I hope you realize that I am sarcastic by this point, and really it's all worth it..
Will has become very domestic. I am not saying he wasn't before, but I was pretty Monica Gellar-ish about the house before I was pregnant. Now, I come home, drop my work clothes, climb into anything that is fuzzy, and watch shows like Dancing with the Stars and tear up whenever I see the skinny women dancers..because my stomach used to be flat too..

But yesterday was our first ultrasound and we saw the baby's heart beating, and even though he/she is only the size of a grain of rice!!! it still was amazing to see.
The best part was Will holding my hand during the ultrasound and the look on his face when he saw the baby.
"I think I see a face!"
"What? Will, there can't be a face yet! All I see is a blob. We have a blob for a baby."
It was a little like looking at the clouds, when you try to see shapes..if you get the picture..
But we are healthy and we are moving right along..
I miss my skinny jeans, and I miss diet coke, but I have learned that I wouldn't trade any of it for what we have coming.

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