I have an update on Garfield. He has found a mother to nurse him..personally I think he is a little bit old to be nursing and his "new mother" is enabling him..and really it's just going to cause a lot of problems when she sends him off to school..BUT I am NOT his mother, so I really need to keep my opinions to myself...in any case, apparently he is completely happy at his new home..THE BARN..and he has been adopted into a family of kittens..making him the fourth one in the litter..and as Will likes to say: The red-headed step-child. Ahahaha!
Another update.. on the garage situation. SOMEONE that I LIVE WITH and is a male and ISN'T a cat seems to be making the GARAGE into quite a ROOM..last night I heard more drilling coming from "down there".
We now have PICTURES on the walls in our garage...do you know a lot of people who have framed ART on their garage walls?
Do you think maybe just maybe I should be worried that he is thinking of MOVING down there?
Have I really driven him to a life in the garage this soon??!!
I am going to Victoria's Secret today.
It is really sad, but we pretended not to be home last night when we heard the neighbors coming. I am sure you think we are the worst people on earth..But you know, if you REALLY think that, then you need to read the news more, seriously.. It was dinner time..and you know the routine: sit, eat, relax, talk..watch Will fidget.
And "DING-DONG!" We dropped to the floor like a bomb had gone off and slithered up the stairs to our bedroom where I LOCKED THE DOOR!!!
Did I really think the neighbors would just barge into our house?? And come up the stairs? APPARENTLY!!
Now I want you to realize that in most neighborhoods, you could probably answer the door and just say politely: "Oh, hi, thanks for coming by, but you know it's dinner time, and I am training my boyfriend to sit at the table."
BUT THAT WOULD NOT WORK HERE! Because what we have learned is that we are dealing with people who don't know how to EXIT..
Do you know people like this? People who don't know how to close the deal, say goodbye, end the conversation, take it on the road, move along..Do you see what I am saying? So really our best bet is to NOT EVEN START!!!
In other news, our debt diet seems to be going remarkably well...for instance: I had at least a hundred dollars worth of merchandise in my hands yesterday at Target. By the time I left, all of that merchandise was strewn haphazardly all over the store in the wrong aisles and I walked out with tea lights and a diet coke. Total bill: $5.95. Everytime I get the itch to spend I see Will's face, kind of like the Wizard of Oz...looming over me..."Melissa Ann, do we really need that right now? Do we? Do we?" And I just can't do it. I must really be in love. Yes, I am.
Tomorrow I am going to a computer class all day..I am a little nervous..it has been a while since I have sat in a classroom and had someone teach ME..I am not very good about this..I tend to goof off..I don't mean to be disrespectful..I just have a "I am a teacher too, you know, why should I listen to you?" kind of attitude..I have been in the business for a while now..anyway..I am sure I will learn all kinds of useful techniques and then forget them all on the drive home because I am HORRIBLE at remembering those kinds of things, unless I do them about a hundred times..in any case, it will get me out of the house, and away from the birds, etc. etc..
I will leave you with a picture of the world's best looking garage (honestly, I am quite proud of him)...or Will's apartment..whichever you prefer to call it.
1 comment:
Hey! What happened to my comment about the Wizard of Oz poster in the garage? You chicken!
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