Remember how I said I have no time for addictions? I really should watch what I say..really..because I am now drinking almost a whole pot of coffee in the morning with all of my time off..AND I read my own blog constantly..this is just ridiculous. I am an addict!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that kindred spirits find each other..OH I don't even know what the word kindred means and I am an English teacher..I HAVE HAD A WHOLE POT OF COFFEE THIS MORNING!!!...but the point is that I do believe that sometimes people with common interests can find each other..I have met a lot of good people in my life..I have also met some really cruddy people, but I have learned to get rid of them pretty quickly now..I have always been a slow learner, but once I catch on, LOOK OUT!!
Okay, so back to people finding each other..Yesterday I had what I thought was a glorious moment in my small town..I walked into the local liquor store..Oh that sounds horrible, to have a glorious moment in the LIQUOR store, now we're back to addictions, but that's where I was, and that's where I met: Nadji..NO NOT Hadji..he was in Space Ghost..remember that cool cartoon? Okay, so I was perusing the wine, and I have to say for such a small town, it was quite a selection..Well, I am on a wine budget now, and I was only there to pick up one teeny weeny bottle.."I have a very good Pinot Noir you should try." It was like sweet music to my ears. Could it be a kindred spirit?
Pinot Noir is my favorite red. The grapes are SENSITIVE, they are hard to grow, they can only survive in certain climates, they are touchy, emotional, high maintenance, need a lot of love, attention, time, understanding..WILL!!! WILL!!! WILL!!!! I am a pinot noir grape!!!!!!!
I learned that my new friend, Nadji used to live in Uptown. He now owns the local gas station and the liquor store. Nadji is no dummy. We talked about different wines and living in Uptown and wine tastings, and you know I got excited because finally..FINALLY..there just might be a link between the outside world and our new home. I had visions of a friendship blossoming between this culturally astute man and Will and I..trips to Napa..dinners..intelligent conversations..
(Oh just let me dream, why don't you??!!)
"So Nadji..what do you think? I mean will Will and I be okay here? Do you like it here? I mean it's fine living here once you get used to it, right?"
"Oh, Melissa, I do not LIVE here. I just own businesses here."
Did you hear the record scratch? Did you HEAR IT???
I walked out with four bottles of wine. Well, I have to drown my sorrows over my lost friendship somehow...
My mother and step-father have a bear. No, they did not BUY it..You cannot buy a bear, at least not legally, I don't think.. But up north on their land, they have a bear who keeps showing up at night. I really do need to devote a whole blog to my mother. She is the most wonderful, amazing, woman I have ever known..it's a little embarrassing when Will says: "Are you sure she's you're mother?" I mean REALLY!! I KNOW she is GREAT! But I am not THAT bad!!! So apparently this bear is roaming around and eating all the bird food. It sure makes our birds eating the bird food seem dull.
Well, I really don't have much else. I am out of coffee..and I am NOT going to make another pot..and I am going to try not to read my own blog today.
At least I am getting a handle on my addictions..
I miss Garfield and Nadji..
1 comment:
addictions or obsessions??? Man, you have a lot to say! Lookin' forward to the year...keep up this therepy! love ya
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