Garfield is gone and my life is empty. Oh for heaven sakes..NO it isn't!! I just miss him a teeny bit. He was very cute..and he kept me from calling Will at work yesterday..but Will and I decided that he had a big shnoz and so he probably wasn't going to be the best looking adult cat. This makes me a little nervous to have children. What if Will doesn't like the way the baby turns out someday?
"Uh, honey, I think this baby has a big shnoz. Maybe we should just find a new home for it."
"I know this great barn near here.."
NO I do NOT think that is going to happen..but I am looking at my nose in the mirror a lot today.
So Garfield went off to work with Will..and I drank a whole pot of coffee and I e-mailed Will completely non-sensical e-mails like: I wish we had a bear in our backyard. Bring Garfield home. What should I do today?...until I got this one:
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. No more coffee for Melissa Ann!!! And stop it before I pull what hair I have left out of my head."
My reply: "Quit pulling your hair out.. that is gross." At least I wasn't calling him..GOD!!
I am going to put a lot of pictures on this blog today. I called it a blob yesterday when I e-mailed a friend. I wonder if that is subconscious? ANYWAY...you can see that Calvin, the cat I never talk about, is keenly interested in Garfield. I don't talk about Calvin much because he pooped down my back once in the car when I was moving. I have never really forgiven him for this. But notice I didn't get rid of him either.
My student teacher, Tommy got a teaching job in Las Vegas so he doesn't have to become a professional bird watcher! If you are not reading my blog regularly, then shame on you..you are going to miss out on some really worthwhile knowledge..NO YOU AREN'T...but you ARE going to miss some of the flashbacks..so it might be hard to keep up..ANYWAY..he is moving and we went out the other night..and I am so so happy that he got the job he wanted in the city that never sleeps..actually I think that is New York, but I am pretty sure people don't sleep much in Vegas either because I picked Shaun up from the airport once after he'd been there for four days and he looked like complete hell..
Anyway, Tommy, Will, and I bounced around Tommy's old college town and only one of us was really drunk..I will give you a hint..it wasn't me and it wasn't Will..Tommy made me put three beers in my purse because we weren't done drinking them while we traipsed to another bar..I felt like a derelict Mary Poppins!!!!! Of course Tommy forgot I had them and ordered another round..so Will hid them under the bar (see picture)..I believe in taking pictures of things you don't see very often!!!! I plan to NEVER pull open beers out of my purse again..luckily it wasn't my fake Prada..GOD..that would have been sick..so Tommy is leaving and he is my best student teacher and one of my very bestest buddies. "Melvin, if you don't marry Will..I will." This is what he announced to me. Well I don't think he REALLY wants to marry Will but it WAS a nice compliment. He calls me Melvin..apparently this is easier than Melissa??? And come to think of it, if Will and Tommy do get married, Tommy will have to quit smoking because Will HATES smoking..Anyway...
We have a fly problem in the house. Namely they ARE IN IT! I cannot stand flies. They gross me out worse than any other bug. They are so "buzzy" and "dirty" and "fly-like" GROSS!!!
I have been swatting for two days. Will can catch them with his bare hands. I am NOT bragging, here. This kind of grosses me out, and makes me think of that movie with Jeff Goldblum, The Fly..but I still love Will more than anything in this life...
Okay..and then there is our debt..oh lordy..Tonight we are going on a diet..Yes, we are going on the Oprah debt diet..and I am probably going to want to kill Oprah..NO I DID NOT SAY I Am GOING TO!!! So just stop it right now!!!! I like Oprah..I just know that when we sit down and actually put ourselves on a budget..I am going to go through some withdrawal..but honestly..I do not want to be 45 and living like a 20 year old..the new "cool" is to be cheap..THIS IS WHAT I AM TELLING MYSELF..Believe me, it is a lot easier to be cheap when you live in the middle of nowhere..if I was in Uptown..forget about it...
So I will keep you posted on how my "cheap" living is going..
So far I have made three different hair appointments at three different salons. To compare prices. I am not sure which one I am going to keep yet. I feel this is a good way to start budgeting. You know...just to get a feel for things..
Also I am going to buy CHEAP wine..like nothing over $8.00..really..If you suggest wine in the box..I will come unglued so don't even think about it...I don't mean THAT kind of wine!!!!!
"Honey, do we really need to buy beer and wine so much?"
"What Will? What did you say? I can't hear you. There is something stuck in my ears. Oh..it's my fingers."
So anyway, you can see that everything is going to be just fine..
As soon as I get this laasssst fly!!!!!!
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