The things that happen to me..really..it is too much sometimes. Yesterday we found a kitten. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! This is like some sort of test. I am the LAST person on the EARTH that should find a stray baby animal..this is like a gambler finding money to gamble or a drug addict finding drugs or you know what I mean..I AM NOT SOMEONE who can just say..Hmm..a baby stray animal..I don't care, I don't want it..I don't NEED it.
So now Garfield is living in our garage.
"Honey, do you really want another cat?"
"Wellll...no, (YES!) no, I really don't Will (I DO!! I DO!!) I mean we have two and oh the fur..and ugh..then I am a crazy cat lady-"
"You already are."
"That is NOT funny Will."
Anyway, I do NOT want this kitten but I DO because he is darling! He is orange and fluffy and he follows me everywhere outside and he has the most amazing blue-violet eyes!! Like Elizabeth Taylor! I would name him that if he was a girl, seriously. I have an hour until the Humane Society opens in the "big town". I already called our City Hall. Oh they were a LOAD of help. I am fairly certain the man on the other end of the phone was spitting CHAW while he was talking to me.
"Well, we don't have animal control in these parts. You kin (he said kin not can, really!) either put up a sign or just let it go and see if he wanders back home. Or you could take it to the Humane Society where they'll kill it."
I am not kidding you. He said the words: "Where they will kill it."
"Good Morning this is Will."
"They are going to kill Garfield at the Humane Society, or I can just let him go in the wild and see if he finds his way home."
"Honey, he is a kitten. He doesn't know his way home. And they don't just kill them." Will is tired of me calling him today. Our Wells Fargo account is "acting up." OKAY..I should not be in charge of the checking account! Let's just all say it together!!
On a brighter note, we had a great weekend with friends. Will has so many friends I cannot BELIEVE it. I have none. NO that is not true. I have about three..that I really trust. I have made my circle very small for many reasons. Will knows EVERYONE and I love this about him. What I especially love is when one of his buddies is married to a cool woman. AAAHHHH..refreshing. Honestly, there are not as many together cool women out there as there should be, and so it is nice that there is one within a twenty-five mile radius and she is married to Will's friend..FINALLY!!
On a not so bright note, Will's buddy stopped over yesterday with his girlfriend. I think I need to devote an entire blog to this but I am too distracted by my orphaned baby right now. I need to go and peek at him. I really am worried about the Humane Society. What if they don't have room? If they don't have room, we are keeping him. OH..you should see Sylvester..he is NOT happy..the last thing he wants is a little brother. We also will not keep him if it means Will will pack up and leave. I am sorry but I choose Will over a kitten. Honestly.
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