Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Here I am...34..and living in Minnesota's Best Kept Secret..I am clinging to a stuffed animal..who is as old as me..anyway, notice the flowers in the background..I grew them myself and I am extremely proud because they started out as four little stalks ( I dont' think that's right..petunias aren't stalks) but anyway, they started out SMALL and they actually have grown..I am writing this blog strictly for myself to chronicle the next phase in my life because I moved out of up Uptown in June after 19 months to be with the love of my life. We bought a townhome in a very small outer-lying town which I am not even going to mention for fear my psycho ex-boyfriend from a few years back will find..so come to think of it this might not be a good idea..well, I can always call the police..needless to say..things are much slower than Uptown..and sometimes our big excitement is hiding from the neighbors..sometimes my big excitement is doing laundry at home instead of at the laundromat on 27th and Lyndale..but it's an adventure and when you finally find the right man to share it with, then hell, you may as well blog it..

I just saw a humongous German shepherd wander across the street. He does not belong here. There are only four other families that live in this neighborhood. That German shepherd wandered in..this could be an exciting twist of events today. That and I saw the exotic bird on our bird feeder again today. My friend Tommy thinks it's an escaped parakeet. Of course he is also the one who thought that the nuthatches were baby Blue Jays. Tommy should stick to bartending and looking for a teaching job and stay away from ornithology. But I love him.. and finding a teaching job isn't the easiest thing when you are starting out. I am surprised though because he was my student teacher and he was REALLY GOOD and you would think schools would jump for a young male English teacher..what is wrong with schools?? They are getting too stuffy and boring..OH boy...how long can a person's blog be? My dad's isn't this long..his is all pictures of his garden in Panama..but it's all flowers pictures..Mine is all me rambling..flowers..rambling..pretty much the same thing..I think..who will read this anyway? NO ONE I HOPE..because I can just imagine the comments..SHUT UP girl holding rabbit..actually that would make me mad..it's my blog so stay off..hmm..so there..you would write this much too if you lived out in the middle of nowhere! I can't start drinking wine for at least another half an hour or I will be blitzed by the time Will gets home..so this is keeping me from becoming an alchoholic..okay..I will sign off and leave you a picture of our wonderful cat Sylvester..he is sneezing today..I hope he doesn't have a cold..do cats get colds? GOD! I hope not..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left uptown for big dreams
a fresh start, a second chance. YOu deserve the best life has to offer and now you have found it!
WIsh geography didn't keep us apart
Keep me posted on the news...love reading this blog