I forgot the picture of the cat..I am nervous..I am thinking the "publishing bit" might not be for me..I look at other people's blogs and they are full of helpful hints and cool links and what have I done so far? NOTHING..been selfish and made people think I hide from the neighbors and talk about sneezing cats and birds..Well, the birds weren't sneezing..YOU KNOW what I mean!! I DO have a career..I commute almost 50 minutes..I will find a link about commuting and saving gas..Oh how boring..ugh..anyway..The POINT is to entertain me because I can't go to Chino Latino for happy hour or the Drink and Will isn't here right now and I don't go back to teaching for a month and I want to write and apparently this is the only way I can do it...stream of consciousness..I should go running but running on a country road does not have the same feel as the lakes..I think the best part of Uptown was running the lakes..yesterday I clocked out a four mile stretch of country road. From our townhouse down to the stop sign is two miles..to the farm house with the mail box is one and a half miles..to the house with the trailer in front is one mile..oh BLECH..BUT I refuse to be negative ALL the time..You realize most of this is just poking fun..I am afraid that Will will read this and think I am miserable which I am NOT..I LOVE how peaceful it is..I love the trees and the birds and the fact that I am calm and not running around like my head is cut off..I love that I have a garage..for ONCE..I actually have a guaranteed parking spot EVERY DAY..and I also get to snuggle with the most wonderful loving guy in the whole world every night..so I think I have come out ahead in the whole deal..but if I didn't poke fun at the fact that my life has changed drastically from the city to the country, it wouldn't be any fun..it is 5:15 and way too hot to run..maybe just a teeny glass of wine..with A LOT of ice cubes..and I will watch the nightly news and feel like I am learning current events..and not think about happy hour at Figlio..
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