I washed my hair four times..I am sure this isn't good for it..but I was so excited to have soft water and lather that I used three different kinds of shampoo in the shower..
I also tried to go and get a pedicure and when I started the car it wouldn't start..this would be because the Mazda was out of gas..this would be because I didn't check to see if it was EMPTY..but I made it home..I then made the phone call: "Do you love me?"
"Do you really really love me"
"Yesss..Now, Melissa Ann what did you do?"
There are so many things that I love about Will..I mean as women we WAIT and hope and pray for men like Will..he is every good guy, every happy ending, every love story man..does that make sense..he IS that guy at the end of the movie..when the great song plays and the couple is kissing and everything is good..I LOVE those movies..
Once in a while I am completely scared because I think how can something this great really really have happened? Then I do a quick reality check and remember all the CRUD that I slogged through all those years in order to get to the point where I was ready for someone like Will..because, sometimes I don't think we let ourselves have the really good guys..we settle..and we convince ourselves that WE AREN'T settling but we know deep down that we ARE..one of the the worst feelings I ever had was a few years ago when I woke up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night with a pit in my stomach and looked at the person who was next to me and felt complete and utter dread..not only because I was being abused every day..but because I knew that this wasn't what love was supposed to be..and I knew I had to get out and I had no idea how...but I did..
I wake up now sometimes..usually because Sylvester is BANGING on the door trying to get in..WHY do cats do this? And I have PEACE...
My only advice to anyone is..NO,not my only advice, I will have loads more advice..(See, Mr. Snooty Blog-Guy, read this and you COULD learn something!) don't decide to really be with someone until you have peace in your heart about that person and about yourself...You will KNOW when it's the right one..BING!!! just like that, I am NOT kidding you and believe me I have seen a lot and felt a lot at 34..okay and it doesn't hurt if he is really good looking and doesn't get mad when you run out of gas!!
Okay back to the completely stupid thing I did..
Will had to buy a gas can and some gas but he couldn't do this until after work..and I was stranded at home..ordinarily this might not be a bad thing..it wasn't when I lived in Uptown..ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! HELLO!!?? There were 900 shops and 1500 bars..Well, okay not that many but you see what I mean..and they were all within three blocks!!
But when you live in the middle of nowhere..what to do? I refused to get out the wine..well, I couldn't..I was out..phooey..
and I considered rollerblading to town..but the town consists of three banks, an antique store, a pizza place, a GAS STATION! and a golf course..a nice one I might add, but really no use to a girl on rollerblades..so it was a bit of a mishmash afternoon..I survived..and even lived vicariously through a girlfriend of mine who is starting to date someone new..this is always fun! To see the beginning stages of someone else's relationship..and give loads of advice..which she probably doesn't want, but gets anyway..
I even had a cute little sundress on and freshly washed hair when Will got home.
"Your hair looks great. Baby."
"Are you saying that my hair.."
Just another day in the sticks..ahhhh...
1 comment:
Hi! We chose the same layout for our blogs! I am glad you have this "therepy" too...we'll have to keepup on each other more.
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