Saturday, March 02, 2013

Super Woman

I still have about 10 pounds to lose if I want to be the "skinny" version of myself.
Right now, I am not so worried about that. I still have boobs, so I am starting to reconsider a whole 10 pounds. Maybe five more..and keep the if THAT's where the weight will hang on..but I am hopeful.
I am realizing that being a mother of three has many more positives than I could have imagined.
Maren is almost potty trained. I give my mother in law and father in law FULL credit for getting the ball rolling on that one, but I wonder also if Maren sees her baby brother in diapers and thinks "Well, that's kind of dumb for me at this point."
Keegan has naturally stepped into the role of BIGGEST brother. This gives him lots of room to be "right" about everything and boss Maren around when I don't have time. She is not a natural complier (look out later in life, world) but it's helping me out a TON.
The other day we ALL went to swimming lessons at the Y.  I strapped on the Baby Bjorn and waded in the water dragging Maren by the arm into the shallow water every three seconds while Keegan had his lessons. It worked GREAT!
I got an awesome arm work out, and the humidity at the pool  helped Kieran's cold immensely.  I felt like a million bucks-none of the children whined, I didn't lose any of their socks in the locker room and they all they went to be early!  I am invincible!  I am the mother of three-hear me roar!
I won't go into what a cluster the next morning was when I forgot to buckle Maren into her carseat on the way to daycare: "I'll just be her seat belt, Mom," let's just stick to the positive right now....

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