Tuesday, December 04, 2012


My mom just left to get Maren from daycare and "Jack Frost"-Keegan's newest role model, nemesis, costume-clad character- rode along. Keegan dresses himself all in blue:  jacket, pajama pants, shorts over the pajama pants and won't answer to us unless we call him Jack.  Apparently Rise of the Guardians had an effect on him. He goes around "freezing" things with his Harry Potter wand. At least he's "resourceful" with his toys.
  I have about 3 minutes to write and then I need to start dinner. As I have learned lately, Maren expects her dinner on the table at 5 pm sharp. "What we having Momma?"
the minute she walks in the door.  I cannot WAIT until the day when she can make her own meals. I am assuming that will be within the next 6 months. I don't want to push her.
We are becoming a diabetic family very rapidly now. Our meals are low carb. Our snacks are low carb.
Will has his secret stash of cookies: "Why do you say they're MY secret stash? You know you'll be "housing" them later while you watch Real Housewives!"
True enough Will. Right again.
The "pen" and the "checker" seem like "old hat". Is that even POSSIBLE??
It is amazing how much we have adapted to in 14 days. 14 DAYS!!  It seems like a year. This is GREAT, I think.
The biggest happening at our house is keeping Keegan away from the mulititude of Amazon boxes that show up at our door. Apparently someone did a lot of on-line shopping for Christmas. WHO HAS THE TIME TO FILL UP VIRTUAL SHOPPING CARTS?
Oh wait. That was me.
Anyway, each night the UPS man shows up, and each night Keegan asks:  "What's in that box?"
Each night I answer the same thing: "Oh just something your dad needs for his car..er..work..uh..just something your dad needs."
I wonder if Keegan thinks his dad is kind of "needy" by now.
I have managed to wrap a 1/3 of their Christmas presents, but I really DO NOT like wrapping.  I am gift bag kind of girl, and what kid wants a present in a GIFT BAG??
So if I just go slow and steady here, I should be all wrapped in a few days.
Well, my time is up and I had better start cookin'.  Unless Jack comes back and can "freeze" his sister. But not likely...

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