"Everything in our life is a story," Will announced last night.
This is true. The minute we leave the house it is inevitable that something will happen to us. Oh let's just be honest, stuff happens when we stay home, too. We are just going to be THAT couple.
"What's our motto?"
"Stick to the list."
And so baby registering began.
Will, armed with the price gun, Melissa armed with the list, Saturday.
Really we did quite well. I only felt irritated twice and I think it's because we couldn't agree on sheets..which sounds stupid now even as I type it.
We pushed a few strollers..examined pack n' plays (these are not as fun as they sound) and ear thermometers. Do you want to stick a temperature gauge in a newborn's ass? I didn't think so..
We even went down the diaper aisle.
Once in Uptown I did that accidentally. I was really trying to find the lip balm. So, it was a bit surreal to be in that aisle on purpose.
Will wanted to add some things to the registry: chips, a box of cereal, some condoms..just to see if anyone was paying attention. I am not sure my mom would think the condoms were funny. So I ix-nayed that idea. Registering was hard work, though..YOU try to decide on the right sheets for a brand new person..it's PRESSURE.
What really got us, though, was the event which took place AFTER registering..
We got a flat tire.
On the good side: a. we were in a TOWN, not stranded somewhere or on the way to the hospital, and b. Will is smart enough to have AAA..(if I was still single and this had happened to ME..I would have been screwed..)
So the little latino man came and put on a spare...
BUT of course, it was no ordinary spare.
"Yeah man, it's ugly as sh*t..heh, heh..Bye!"
And we were left with a car with..oh just look at the picture..it speaks for itself.
I almost went into premature labor, I was laughing so hard.
Only us..
I had a bit of a "spiral" on Sunday. Since Will and I have been together, I have gained a security that I have never ever felt before. I chalk this all up to him and his patience and love and just CALMNESS..it certainly isn't ME..
But once in a while little wisps of the past creep in and I am left feeling...well, wispy-nesses of insecurity.
What makes Will such a good good man is that he listens and he UNDERSTANDS..and this always brings me back up to where I should be instead of splish splashing around in the mucky spiral-ness of slop (that sounds almost poetic-I must be tired)
"Everyone has insecurities. I don't know why you think you're so special."
He didn't mean it meanly..he just meant..it 's okay and we all feel that way sometimes and he still loves me more than anything.
So crisis averted there. Why did I think I was so special?
On a really bright note, my doctor announced today that I will probably gain 40-50 pounds. Is he INSANE?? Who is this man and why am I paying him?????
"I know it's hard to believe but you started out small and small people tend to gain more weight. If you were 300 pounds you wouldn't gain much."
No but by the time this is all over, I am going to BE 300 pounds!!!!
I like to think it won't be 50. I would like to think that I am not going to gain ANOTHER 25 pounds..of course, I have absolutely no control over my own body right now, so I should just shut up and whatever happens, happens.
But I can see now that the baby and I will be spending a lot of time at the gym. I hope they allow babies.
Well my son is moving around a lot and I am pooped. Will should be home soon and I will fall asleep three minutes after he steps in the door..apparently the car dealership gave him a rental until we get a real wheel. It is some kind of 1 ton truck or something. It's all they had left! Are you kidding me?! With these gas prices, of course it was all they had left! I don't think it's going to fit in the garage, though, I really don't.
Only us..only us..
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