Last weekend we flew to Georgia for my cousin's wedding..this was our first plane ride as a couple, and of course the baby's first plane ride..the baby did really well, by the way, no fussing..hahahaha..(I am liking the long hahahaha thing lately)
Anyway, Will got up each morning and yelled from our hotel bedroom. It was kind of like a rooster crowing, only with words..oh whatever...you get the point..
Anyway: "GOOD MORNING ATLANTA! It's something for your blog, honey!" This also became Will's mantra throughout the weekend..I think he was determined to "make things happen" for the blog..really we don't need to try..enough bizarro stuff happens to us...we don't need to make things up..
So the second morning..again with the wake up call and then..
"Ooh! There's a guy down there!" Whom Will had scared half to death with his yelling, as our room overlooked the parking lot..
Yes, it made the blog..
On one of our morning walks in ATL, we noticed a rather shabby building with a sign that read: World Health Spa.
Really? A world health spa? In a crappy little building..hmmmmm...
Anywhooooo..."Mr. Magic" decided it would be "something for the blog" to just venture in and see what it was all about..
Somehow an old Asian woman with two teeth, reeking of Charlie perfume..peering out a two-way mirror, was not the kind of health spa ANY of us would be thinking of...
"Do you give hair cuts here?"
"You come to wrong place."
I still cannot believe he asked for a hair cut..because if she would have said "Yes," we would have had to run...
Long story short...the World Health Spa..is NOT where you go for salon treatment..OTHER kinds, yes..oh you can figure out what kind of place it was..Let's just move on..
We both got a good laugh, though...
In fact the whole weekend was really nice, with my brother and his girlfriend and my dad..who believes he should be the next contestant on Dancing With The Stars..as he so proudly showed me at the wedding..I was spun, swooped and twirled like Jerry Springer's dance partner...
But then came SUNDAY..and when we arrived home, tired and ready for a quiet evening..we entered our house which had turned into BUG COUNTRY USA..
Did I really see 1,000 lady bugs, wasps and Boxelder bugs ( I don't know if that is how you spell it, but just stay with me, because it gets better) SWARMING over our entire kitchen ceiling, windows and light fixtures??
Think Silence of the Lambs bugs..think jungle...think you would have been as grossed out as we were...
I wanted to move out that night..
BUT we vacuumed and swatted and stomped our way to an almost bug-free home that night..and then dragged ourselves upstairs to eat dinner because we were both too disgusted to eat in our kitchen..
Apparently there was a leak in our front door..Yeah, whatever..leak my butt..there must have been a key left under the mat, and the bugs knew how to open the door...IT WAS THAT BAD..
So we ate our dinner in silence..me staring morosely at the wall wondering how we could have such a nice weekend and end it with BUG CENTRAL..
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
I looked over blankly at Will because really all I could think about was bugs..and spending the rest of our lives in bug hell was NOT how I pictured things for us..
"And I don't think there is any other way to do that than to ask you to marry me."
A ring? How did it get there? Did it fall in? Did he pick it up off the floor at the airport? Did one of the bugs deliver it???
So Will proposed and it was absolutely perfect because we were home and we had just had to clean up a crappy situation and really I needed SOMETHING to boost my night..so honestly being proposed to by the man of my dreams..pretty much wiped the bugs out of my head...
And I said yes, by the way..
When Will asked my dad for his blessing in Atlanta..my father said, "All she needs is your love."
And I think that is one of the most beautiful things my father has ever said..and he has said some pretty good stuff in his time..BUT this was the best..because he is right..I don't think people can live on love alone because they would starve (hahahaha) BUT I do think that having the best person FOR YOU to love is the greatest joy, the greatest peaceful, wonderful, calming feeling EVER...
All I need..
AND it made for a pretty entertaining blog!
Here is a picture minutes after we got engaged..one of the bugs took it for us..
I look like complete hell and Will looks beautiful as ever...but just try to look at the fact that we are happy and excited, even if we had a whole vacuum cleaner full of insects waiting for us downstairs..
1 comment:
I danced you around like Jerry Springer? I saw that bozo on DWTS tonight. You are in big trouble!
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