It was bound to happen..eventually and it did..I had to go back to work..this may account for me not blogging for the last few days..I have been in a bit of a slump..the creative juices haven't been flowing like they normally would..that's because I have to save them up because soon they will be sucked out of me everyday by twelve year olds..That's right..I don't really watch birds and hide from neighbors and cook for my boyfriend all the time...I teach middle school English and I can't pretend anymore..because tomorrow workshop starts and if you know anything about teaching than you know what that means..IT'S starting soon.. I saw my class lists today and I say my mailbox and I got my room key. I really have a job and I teach. And so that means THEY are coming.
I am a fourth generation teacher, so it's in my blood. I couldn't run from teaching if I tried. Once last year I got this grand idea of going into pharmaceutical sales..that lasted as long as the interview..which only lasted half an hour..Maybe it was the question about how I would approach the doctors and my answer was, "Well, I would just TALK to them..isn't that what you're supposed to do?" And apparently that answer didn't fly with the pharamaceutical people, but that's what a TEACHER would do..
so I decided that this really is my calling and I should just stick to what I'm good at...
Every year I get the nervous nellies about going back..this is my 12th year..you think I would remember how to do this..but each year, it's like I've never done it before..this morning was no exception..
luckily this year I have Will..he is kind of my cheerleader..I think that's one of the best things about having a partner in life..you always have someone to cheer you on when you don't feel like doing something..
"Why don't you want to go?"
"I don't know what I'm doing."
"But you HAVE taught before..this isn't the first time."
"I guess."
"Melissa Ann..it's your 12th year."
"Oh that's right."
See he's so good at helping me!
One of the things that is CRUCIAL in teaching is to be-friend the most important people in the building: the secretaries and the custodians. Three years ago a kid barfed in my room..This meant major clean up in aisle 5..when I saw the head custodian out at a restaurant later that week..I bought him a beer..he has liked me ever since..Today I made a huge mistake..I spilled a lot of dirt...This is NOT what you want to do in a newly cleaned classroom, ready for the school year..
"Um..I was just wondering if you had a vacuum that I could borrow..and did I tell you how much I love you and the work you do here?"
"There is a vacuum you can use in the back hallway..and do I want to know WHY you need it?"
"NO..no ..no.. absolutely NOT." Does this sound ANYTHING like the conversations I have at home with Will? I am a mess wherever I am!!!!!!
In any case, I am back at it, and maybe it's a good thing because I know that I was starting to drive Will a little batty on the homefront..he works in a hen house and I don't literally mean with chickens!!! but when you work all day with women and then come home to one chirping at you..well, that is hard..so I will be preoccupied now with middle school issues and English curriculum and all kinds of stuff that makes my head spin for the next 200 days or however long this school year lasts...
I am leaving you with a picture of Sylvester..for no other reason than I don't know a lot of cats that just SIT on the toilet for no reason..he is odd..but extremely lovable..
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